Simon Valdivieso
Doctor of Jurisprudence and Lawyer specialized in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law as well as in Constitutional Law.
Doctor in Jurisprudence and Lawyer from the University of Cuenca; Criminal Law and Indigenous Justice specialist; and Magister in Criminal Law and Criminology. He has a Higher Diploma in Constitutional Law and Fundamental Rights. Attended the Higher Judicial Training Course for judges, “Legal Dimension of Political and Economic Integration”, Judicial School, General Council of the Judicial Power, Barcelona, Spain.
He was Advisor to the Presidency of the Supreme Court of Justice. Criminal Judge as well as Judge-President of the Court of Criminal Guarantees in the city of Cuenca. Trustee and Secretary General of the Municipality of Cuenca. Secretary General of the Provincial GAD of Azuay. Provincial Director of the Council of the Judiciary.
Author of several publications, among others: “Penal Code with Definitions and Concordances”. “Cuenca, Cultural Heritage and Tourism”. “The Ecuadorian Judge and the New Code of Criminal Procedure.” “Gaspar Sangurima López, Documented”. “Analytical and Explanatory Index of the Ecuadorian Code of Criminal Procedure”. “The Right to a Speedy Trial.” “Analytical and Explanatory Index of the Ecuadorian Code of Criminal Procedure, Second Edition increased and updated.” “Criminal Litigation in Ecuador”. “José de la Mar y Cortázar, The Marshal of Six Slaves.” “The Procedures in the COIP”.
In the field of University Teaching, he has been: Professor of Criminal Law, Universidad del Azuay. Professor of Criminal Law, Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Professor of Criminal Procedural Law, SEK University, Quito. Professor of Procedural Law and Criminal Law, Universidad del Pacífico. Professor of Constitutional Procedural Law, Universidad Panamericana de Cuenca. At the University of Cuenca, the Faculty of Jurisprudence has given the chairs of: Criminology, Human Rights, Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law.
Postgraduate professor: He was invited professor by the Universidad Andina “Simón Bolívar” to teach the chair of Criminal Procedural Law, as well as by the University of Azuay for the chair of Victimology, and at the University of Cuenca in the chair of Criminal Procedural Law . He was Director of the Master in Criminal Law, I and II Cohort, Faculty of Jurisprudence, University of Cuenca. International and national lecturer since 1991. He has attended several international and national seminars.
Practice Areas
Criminal Law
Constitutional Law
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